Micel Folcland Public Statement
1. Accuracy Standards
The following may not be debated:
The culture portrayed is the British Isles, 950–1066 ce. Other cultures are allowed if their presence during this time and period can be proved. Archetypes from earlier may be occasionally used with permission.
Accuracy must be achieved and maintained during public hours within the ropeline
No participant may come behind the ropeline without the prior inspection by and approval of the group Authenticity Officer (AO). All variations, logical extrapolations and any other deviations must be documented to the satisfaction of the AO.
Persons fielding for the first time need not expect to have a complete kit but must attain the minimum level of accuracy expected for participation behind the ropeline
Documentation shall consist of artifacts, of photographs of artifacts or of primary sources (illustrative and text). The more instances of and more complete the documentation is, the better
Logical extrapolation shall be determined by secondary sources and practical archaeology
The AO shall determine whether the documentation or logical extrapolation is valid
No spectacles or sun glasses of any type may be worn
No use of tobacco is allowed
Only historically documented shoes may be worn (barefoot is period)
Visible modern jewelry must not be worn or must be hidden
Visible tattoos must be hidden
Only historically accurate fabrics, weaves, colors and patterns may be used for costumes
All visible sewing must be done by hand
Costumes and kit must be from a single culture time
Tents must be documented, although cotton canvas may be used in the place of linen or hemp canvas or wool
Any variation from the ordinary must be documented and exhibited to the public only when a knowledgeable interpreter can explain its uniqueness to the public
Any logical extrapolation may be displayed to the public only when a knowledgeable interpreter can explain its uniqueness to the public
You will not be alone in your efforts and can expect guidance and support from all other members of Micel Folcland and from Regia Anglorum at large
Remember, we are attempting to portray the ordinary persona of the time!
November 2005