Micel Folcland Public Statement
9. Regarding the Ropeline and the Encampment
Any Micel Folcland encampment shall be surrounded by a ropeline and by a sign reading that "Beyond this Ropeline, It is 1013 ce” (the year shall change annually and is always a thousand years behind the current year). Anything that can be seen by the public within the ropeline shall be accurate, and anything that is inaccurate shall be hidden within structures or within accurate containers. In displays and informal setups, a ropeline may be omitted.
Persons in modern dress may be given permission when there is no public to duck into the ropeline to change. It is preferable if they change outside of the ropeline whenever possible.
From article 4.ii. of the Regia Anglorum Living History Exhibit (LHE) Regulations: "Occupants must be operational from 30 mins before opening time. During this period the LHEC and deputies will inspect to make sure that everything and everybody is authentic and there are no anachronisms."
June 2013